Our SVM ExportsHemidesmus Indicus, Sarsaparilla Roots, Anantamul, Kapuri, Asphota, Shyama,Krsodari, Canadana, Gopi, Gopavalli medicine Indian Sarsaparilla holds areputed place in all systems of medicine in India.
The drug is usefulin fever, skin diseases, loss of appetite, syphilis, leucorrhoea and other urinary complaints.
The drug is usedlargely as the blood purifier and in rheumatism. Pure Ayurvedic Raw Herbs -Hemidesmus Indicus /
Indian Sarsaparilla / Anantmul From IndiaExporter of Herb - Hemidesmus Indicus /Indian Sarsaparilla /
Anantmul Fromindia.
Botanical Name : Hemidesmus Indicus
English Name : Indian Sarsaparilla
Common Name : Anantmul
Plant Part : Roots